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What does your birthday say about you?

Did you know that you have your own special flower? Gem? Fragrance? Do you know your lucky numbers? The name of your guardian angel? The best day of the week to ask for a raise?

World-renowned psychic Judith Turner does, and she reveals them to you. Combining astrology, psychology, and extrasensory insight, The Hidden World of Birthdays gives you the keys to unlock the power of your personality.
Each person has qualities that are all his or her own, and each day is as special as the person born on it. In The Hidden World of Birthdays you will find information on:

Gems: The jewels and precious stones that will bring you luck, power, and encouragement.
Colors: The hues and shades that give you charm and charisma when you wear them; the colors you should always have somewhere around you; the colors that will enhance your confidence and calm you when you are troubled.
What's Lucky: Discover your lucky numbers, months, day of the week, and days of the month. There's a lucky charm just for you, and you'll find out the most harmonious astrological signs for partnerships and relationships.
Spiritual Guides: Your star, your angel, your guardian angel, and your spiritual stone can be powerful tools in managing your spiritual life.

And there's more, including a very special section for each birthday called "Judith's Insight," which will help you in making the best life choices and shows you not just who you are, but who you are capable of becoming.


JANUARY 1 CAPRICORN * The goat of the zodiac
December 21 at 10:00 P.M. to January 21 at 3:00 A.M. * NUMEROLOGY I

Possessions and Desires...
Gem: Moonstone -- This gem could protect you from danger.
Flower: Oak Geranium -- You are constantly open to true friendship.
Astral Color, Color Need, Apparel Color: Your Astral Color is Brown, which helps keep you grounded and stable. Blue in your environment helps you avoid becoming listless and disorganized. In your wardrobe, Green is your power color for overcoming obstacles.
Fragrance: You are stimulated by a combination of greens and flowers, such as white roses, jasmine, and greenery. They give you feelings of elegance, strength, security.
Tree: Walnut -- You are unusually helpful and always looking for constant changes in your life.
Instruments: Oboe, flute, clarinet, piano, French horn, organ, piccolo
Composer: Böhm
Bird: Hummingbird -- This bird is delicate and graceful. It can remain still for hours, then dart off and lie as busy as a bee.
Symbol: Crown -- the universal sign of dignity
Harmonious Health and Nutrition...
Health Scent: Strawberry -- Soothing by nature, the strawberry promotes self-esteem and encourages love.
Favorable Foods: Asparagus, peaches, whole wheat, nuts, buttermilk
What's Lucky...
Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 11
Best Months: March and November
Best Day of the Week: Saturday
Best Month Days: 1, 10, 19, 28
Lucky Charm: A new penny in your shoe.
Harmonious Signs for Relationships and Partnerships: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, and anyone born from July 27 to September 27.
Spiritual Guides...
Star: Vega -- Those with this star can be warriors in search of victory, especially in legal situations.
Angel: Hanaeb -- This angel shows us our worldly desires in order to give us strength when we are going through uncertainty.
Guardian Angel: Malachi -- "Messenger of Jehovah."
Spiritual Stone: Sardonyx -- This stone may cause people to be attracted to you.
A determined individual, you do not allow anything to get in your way. You're aggressive when needed, but you like to appear to be the good guy. You can back away from the demands of others; the demands you will put upon yourself are overwhelming.
Family is of key importance, and it is where your loyalty lies. Sometimes you create contradictions in your own life. You build a path on your property for others to cross, only to realize later that your property will become ruined. You are loved by all circles of people, but you need to be cautious with your language. At times your tone may be misunderstood by others.
Look for a career as a comedian, builder, lawyer, or architect. Try to keep in mind that you are creative, inventive, and strong. Look for a working environment that allows you the sense of freedom you desire. A position with growth potential is best for you. Without growth, your desire for work lessens. Be patient. It may take a while to get where you want to go, but once you do, you'll achieve the financial stability and work contentment that you so much need. When all else fails, use that great sense of humor, which is by far your second most appealing trait. Your heart is your first.
With your hands, you're a builder; emotionally, you're the foundation for others. Be cautious of what you carry on those shoulders. On your own, you can be misguided. Learn to protect yourself better. Others find you irresistibly strong.

Copyright © 1999 by Judith Turner

Who is more important than you? Wouldn't it be interesting to learn important information that could enhance your life, in both large and small ways? Did you know you have a guardian angel? Has anyone explained to you there are different foods that could benefit you? Wouldn't you like to purchase a fragrance that could make others take notice of you? Some types of music should be more relaxing for you than others. You even have your own special flower based on the day you were born. Would you like to know what your lucky numbers are? Which day of the week may be best to ask for a raise? Are you seeking a mate? This book will explain the best bets in selecting a life partner for you. The tiniest things may make a difference, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you. One color may be luckier for you than another, while another color may balance your mood and enhance your environment.
You can use this book to find out all of this information about yourself. Turn to the page with your birthday to learn how to have a happier, more productive life. For example, my birthday is July 27. By reading that page I'd learn that I need Orange in my environment when I feel weak, I look great in Plum, and Rubies will help me overcome disappointment in love. Using this book will help you unlock the keys to your personality, needs, motivations, and dreams. You can also look up the birthdays of friends and loved ones to help you understand them better, too.
You may notice that some information repeats itself over several days. That's because there are often similarities between people born around the same time of year. But each person has qualities that are all his or her own, and each day is as special as the person born on it.
Here is a list of the information you'll find in this book:
Gems: These are jewels and precious stones that the ancients felt could be worn to bring the bearer luck, power, and encouragement. Use them carefully, as they can be powerful tools in managing your spiritual life.
Colors: Many studies have shown that the colors we surround ourselves with can change our moods, so it's vital to select the correct combinations. We each have a color that enhances our confidence and calms us when we are troubled. According to research, there are colors that will actually make you feel better, especially if your home or workplace lacks them.
Apparel Colors: There are hues and shades that are better and luckier for you to wear than others. They may give you more charm and charisma.
Astral Colors: These colors are ones you may be naturally drawn to and that may benefit you throughout your life in many subtle ways. Listed is the one that is certain to help you find your place in the universe.
Trees: Trees have the attributes of strength and power. They are full of life and offer individual meaning to each of us. You may be drawn to put a special tree in your yard or even have a memory of a certain tree when you were young. You may just look at one all the time and find that it is talking to you. See what yours might say. Once you know what tree belongs to you, you might look at and relate to your world differently.
Birds: I bet you never realized how much birds and humans really do have in common. When you read the description of birds in this book, you may find in the characterization of the birds a fascinating resemblance to yourself. You may only then recognize that without a doubt you have an attraction to a particular bird.
Health Scents: Besides finding out what to wear to smell good, you'll want to splash on what might make you feel good. There are scents that are relaxing and have better effects on particular sun signs. You may be naturally drawn to a scent because it relaxes you or you just love its smell. These scents have been selected for you for their mystical traits and ingredients.
What's Lucky: What's more fascinating than knowing what "lucky" numbers, times, days, months, and years are yours, particularly if they were picked out according to the day you were born? Do you have a lucky charm? You can now. Each lucky charm has been chosen by either its number or sign and could prove to be more than a little beneficial for you. Picking a mate isn't easy, and neither is picking a partner. Maybe this advice could help.
Spiritual Stones: These small bits of Mother Earth will guide you on your path over her. Use them in broadening your understanding of yourself or nature.
Judith's Insight: I have been a professional psychic for eighteen years and, after much meditation and thought, have developed my own insights for each day of the year. You may notice that the traits of some days are similar to those that surround them; however, each is unique. You may be able to relate to one or two items right away, but -- as with the other items -- each time you come back to this book you may glimpse a different part of yourself. As the person reading the book changes, the messages will alter and shift. Each insight was written to hold some meaning for you at almost any stage of your life. However, don't expect that everything will make sense right away. For example, careers that may not even interest you today could give you great satisfaction a year or two from now. The insights offer you a peek not just into who you are but who you are capable of becoming. They are crafted to give you encouragement when you may need it. All the listed information is intended to help and guide you in making the right choices for you.

Copyright © 1999 by Judith Turner

About The Author

Judith Turner has been doing psychic readings for more than twenty years for clients ranging from the unknown to the rich and famous in situations that have taken her from real-life murder cases to behind the scenes of movie and television productions. She appears regularly on Joan Hamburg's Consumer Talk radio show and has been a guest on CBS News, ABC News, CNBC Live, and other television and radio programs. She lives in Norwood, New Jersey.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books (March 9, 1999)
  • Length: 416 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780684857985

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