Vendor Requirements
Vendor Shipping Requirements
The guidelines are intended for any vendors who manufacture book product for S&S. In the guide you will find detailed instructions on how to pack, label & ship product to our Distribution facilities.
Click here to download our vendor guidelines.
For any questions specific to the requirements of our guidelines or to request a waiver for any requirements you cannot meet please contact Beverly Hare at (856) 824-2419 or via email at
*If a waiver is required, please click on the attached WAIVER FORM and submit via email to Beverly Hare.*
Third Party Facility Requirements
These guidelines are intended for any 3rd Party Vendors, other than binderies & printers, who provide additional services to Simon & Schuster.
Click here to download our Third Party Inventory Requirements.
If you have any questions please contact our Third Party Logistics Team:
Rick Avery - Ph: (856) 824-2001 / Email:
Digital File Submission & Naming Convention Requirements
For vendors providing digital files back to Simon & Schuster, please review our archiving naming conventions and other specs before submitting.
Click here to download Simon & Schuster’s Digital File Submission Requirements.
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C- TPAT) Certification
Simon & Schuster is a certified C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) company and expects all of the suppliers to meet the recommendations/guidelines of the program. The C-TPAT program is a voluntary Government-Industry program designed to increase security at our borders. If you are an overseas bindery, you will be required to complete S&S’ C-TPAT Security Questionnaire. Please contact our Transportation Manager to obtain the form and answer any questions you may have related to our participation in the program.
For additional information, please visit the US Customs & Border Patrol Website